Welcome to Mrs. Mahoney's AIG Portfolio! From 2010-2019, my journey as a teacher took me many places and taught me many things. But if there's one thing I keep learning over and over again, it's that just when you think you have it all figured out, you discover that there was still more to learn and discover.In the Fall of 2019, I decided to embark upon the journey of pursuing my AIG Add-On Licensure at ECU. This most recent part of my journey in education has taught me more than I ever would have imagined possible about the education of gifted and talented students. But more than that, I have learned so much about being an effective, nurturing educator of all students.
I hope that as you peruse my portfolio, the artifacts included within will help you to catch even just a small glimpse of what I have learned, who I am becoming as a professional in the field of education, and how this learning and these experiences are beginning to help the next chapter of my journey as a teacher take shape.
"Care for the child they tell us. But you can care only when you understand-- what it is like to be a part of that child's culture, what it is like to be unable to speak the language of the classroom, what it is like to go "home" to a shelter every night, what it is like to wonder about things no else in the classroom seems to ponder, what it is like to think steady thoughts only to have them sabotaged by print that scrambles on the page. Make links with learners' interests, talents, and dreams, the experts counsel us. But you can only do that when you know what they care about, what they do that gives them joy, what they would wish for if they dared" --C. Tomlinson (2003, p. 67).